Isn't she a BEAUT???? It was my 15 year wedding anniversary yesterday. All of my in-laws pitched in and bought me, um, er, I mean bought us, this Kitchen Aid stand mixer in silver! I almost fainted when I opened it!

I have always wanted a kitchen aid mixer but knew that I probably wouldn't own one unless I got a great deal on Craig's List. I didn't register for one of these things when I first got married because I didn't do the cooking...Scott did. But now that it has shifted and I do all the cooking, I have had my eye on one of these things for years.
Really folks, this is the mother of kitchen appliances (next to your fridge, stove and dishwasher of course). I seriously want to put a spot light on it! It's soooo beautiful and shiny. I don't even want to dirty it up but of course I will...in fact I'm making pies in it tomorrow.

Jaime: OMG, OMG, OMG...are you freakin kidding me!
Scott: YEP, isn't it awesome!!?
Jaime: OMG, OMG, OMG...are you freakin kidding me?
Scott: Um, are you excited?
Jaime: OMG, OMG, OMG...are you kidding me??? YES!
Scott: I knew you would love it.
Jaime: I feel bad though, it's kinda for me...not you.
Scott: Are you crazy, I'm totally going to benefit from that...get cooking!
Thank you Roy and Donna (Dad and Mom), Kim and Matt and Maddie and Juliette, Tommy and Mandi and Ian, Christian, Elijah, Jamin, Jude and Ella, and Robert and Jennifer and Jack and Jonah!
From Scott and Jaime and Sydney, Gavin, Luke and Dylan...we love you guys and can't wait to eat yummy cookies and bread from our new addition to the family!
I'm actually thinking of naming it...any suggestions?
MizFits Mixer.
then send it to me.
oh, ok.
how about NELLIE?
(Im so jealous...and Im not even a big cookbaker!)
Name it the Froggy.
Suck Start
I know several people who name theirs, how funny...I was excited when I got mine, but now it sits in the box, because we have no space since we moved. Word verification says to name it 'Learra', and irish version of Laura I suppose :)
How about Quiche Lorraine Horton?
Oh, and Happy Anniversary! I didn't know it had been 15 years. We celebrated 30 in December.
No you didn't Jen!!!!
Oh yes I did.
Name that beauty OLGA.
Yeee haw!!!!!!!!!
I say you name her Stevie.
Mine is Gloria.
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