Hmmm, so this is the 2nd batch of what I call, "The Symphony Bars". I was reading Mandy's blog and she featured Blondie Bars however she didn't have the recipe - therefore I searched for the recipe and was SO excited to find it. The pictures of her making it made my mouth water and I needed, REALLY needed to make this treat. The recipe I found was for just a Blondie Bar, no additions such as chocolate or nuts, so I added my own flare, Symphony Chocolate Bars, hence the name. This is SO easy to make and the ingredients should already be in your pantry. I suggest when you make this, eat it right after you pull it out of the oven with a scoop of Vanilla ice-cream. Yes, girls, it's THAT good.
Enjoy and thanks for the inspiration Mandy!

8 tablespoons of butter, melted (Iused margarine this time and there is a HUGE difference, so use the real stuff)
1 cup of brown sugar
1 egg, room temp if you can
1 teaspoon of vanilla or 1/2 teaspoon of almond extract
pinch of salt
1 cup of flower
8x8 pan, buttered

Take two Symphony bars and break up into big chunks with a knife.

Serve with ice-cream or eat alone with a glass of cold milk.
Oh man, Jen, these look tasty and addicting...like Twinkies..hehehe. How did you like the nuts? Would you put them in the next time? My kids don't like nuts so that's why I'm asking. Are they good without the nuts or do the nuts make it?
Jen, you spelled flour...flower...how cute!
Oh boy, I will revise the "FLOUR" part, tee hee.
Actually, you do not have to put nuts in it. You don't have to even put chocolate in it, you can add whatever you want in the batter...even twinkies.
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